10 Effective Business Tools for a Modern Business

business tools

Businesses need business tools to function efficiently and productively. Running a successful business in today’s fast-paced digital world requires more than just good ideas and hard work. It requires the right set of business tools to streamline processes, enhance productivity, and improve communication. At ITSUP, we’ve tried and tested various business tools that help us stay organized, collaborate efficiently, and manage our operations effectively. Here’s our top 10 list of essential business tools we use at ITSUP.

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The whole aim of this article is to recommend business tools that add value to your business. This set of business tools can leverage your business operations besides your business website and your own custom business email addresses we assume you already have. Let’s go!

Google Workspace

Formerly known as G Suite, this cloud-based productivity suite is like a Swiss Army knife for businesses. With tools like Gmail, Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, and more, it’s the ultimate collaboration platform. We use it to create, edit, and share documents in real-time, making teamwork a breeze.

And an advantage of using Google Workspace as a business tool is the user interface and experience that Gmail users are already familiar with. This makes transitioning from the free Gmail to Google Workspace such a pain-free experience.


We love Notion because it’s like having a personal assistant for project management. It helps us keep track of tasks, projects, and ideas in one place, making organization a piece of cake. Plus, its flexibility and versatility allow us to customize it to our liking, just like our favourite ice cream sundae!

Notion is designed to be user-friendly and a first-timer can easily navigate and use it, but the power of it is realized in the ‘templates’ that come with it. It can be used as a simple note-taking app or a project management tool.


This document management tool is a lifesaver when it comes to handling PDFs and other documents. It integrates seamlessly with Google Drive, allowing us to annotate and collaborate on documents in real time. It’s like having a magic wand that makes document workflow smooth and hassle-free!

One of the useful features of DocHub is its ability to reorder, add or delete PDF pages. This is very useful when compiling a PDF document that comes in separate PDF files.


Email marketing is a piece of cake with Mailerlite. It helps us create and manage email campaigns with ease, and the best part is, it won’t break the bank! With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, it’s our go-to tool for sending newsletters and keeping our subscribers engaged.

Using Mailerlite to schedule email sequences is one of the powerful features that I just discovered. This is really useful in customizing a sequence of emails that you can send to your subscribers when they subscribe to your mailing list.

Social Media Platforms (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)

Who says social media is just for fun? We use platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to connect with our target audience, build our brand, and promote our products and services. It’s like having a megaphone to shout out to the world but in a more civilized and digital way!

Social media is where everyone is. Elon Musk like to call Twitter the common town square that everyone visits every now and then. As such, setting up your social media profiles for your business can be like having your own stall at the town square.


Planning events can be a headache, but not with Corsizio. This event management tool simplifies the process of creating, promoting, and managing events. It’s like having a personal event planner that takes care of all the details, so we can just sit back and enjoy the show!

One of the major components of event management is accepting registrations, and Corsizio handles this with simplicity, especially for a potential event participant. The user experience during the registration is very funnelling and can be a good sales funnel.


Want to sell digital products online? Gumroad is our go-to e-commerce platform. It helps us create product pages, process payments, and deliver digital downloads with ease. It’s like having our own online store, minus the hassle of inventory management and long queues at the checkout counter!

The power of Gumroad is realized in selling digital products, especially if your business is selling digital products such as eBooks, digital art, website templates, and all the digital products that 21st-century ‘creators’ are akin to.


We’re not number crunchers, but with Manager.io, managing our finances is a breeze. It helps us track expenses, generate financial reports, and stay on top of our accounting game. It’s like having a superhero accountant that wears a cape made of spreadsheets!

Quoting and Invoicing with Manager.io is a breeze and is a useful feature for businesses, especially those who do not have the time to maintain an Excel or Word template for their invoices or quotes. It just makes bookkeeping fun and doable.


Say goodbye to never-ending email threads and hello to Slack! This team communication and collaboration tool allows us to communicate in real time, share files, and stay organized with channels. It’s like having a virtual office where everyone is just a click away, and the coffee machine is always fully stocked!

Collaborating on Slack also gives this ‘modern’ urge that professional businesses are known for, and not only because of that urge, but the purpose that it serves, to keep real-time communication and collaboration in one place.


Trello is our knight in shining armour when it comes to project planning and management. Its visual boards, lists, and cards make it easy to organize tasks and keep everyone on the same page. It’s like having a project management genie that grants our team’s wishes, minus the blue skin and pointy ears!

The Kanban and card feature of tasks on a Trello board makes it easy for managers to assign and keep track of tasks, especially due dates. This is crucial especially when deadlines are the norm in modern-day business operations.

In addition, these 10 essential business tools help us stay organized by providing features such as task tracking, document management, and calendar scheduling. They ensure that everyone in the team is on the same page, making it easier to manage projects and deadlines. These are some of the benefits we’re reaping out of the above business tools.

Improved decision making

Business tools provide data and insights that help us make informed decisions. Analytics tools, for example, provide valuable information on customer behaviour, website traffic, and sales trends, allowing us to make data-driven decisions to optimize our business strategies.

Cost-effective solutions

Many business tools offer cost-effective solutions compared to traditional methods. For example, using email marketing tools like Mailerlite can save us money compared to traditional print marketing, and accounting tools like Manager.io can help us track expenses and manage finances more efficiently, potentially saving us money on hiring an accountant.

Increased competitiveness

Using the right business tools can give us a competitive edge in the market. They help us streamline processes, improve communication, and enhance productivity, allowing us to be competitive in the local market. With the fast-paced nature of modern businesses, having the right tools can make a significant difference in our success.


In conclusion, business tools are essential for modern businesses to stay organized, collaborate efficiently, and manage operations effectively. At ITSUP, we rely on a variety of business tools, including Google Workspace, Notion, DocHub, Mailerlite, social media platforms, Corsizio, Gumroad, Manager.io, Slack, and Trello, among others, to streamline our operations and enhance productivity. These tools provide us with increased efficiency, enhanced collaboration, better organization, improved decision-making, cost-effective solutions, and increased competitiveness.

So, if you’re looking to level up your business game, don’t forget to arm yourself with the right business tools, because they are the secret sauce to success in today’s fast-paced digital world. Happy tooling!

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