Why Starlink May Not Be Granted a License to Operate in the Solomon Islands
I hope I am not jumping the gun here!
The license to operate Starlink within the Pacific is falling like dominoes in our small island nations where, traditionally, the cost of the internet is very high compared to developed countries. Fiji, Tonga, Solomon Islands, Samoa and Vanuatu has already grated Starlink an operational license. At the time of writing, Papua New Guinea and the most of the other smaller Pacific Islands Countries are still to welcome Starlink.
The prospect of Starlink providing satellite internet in the Solomon Islands has generated considerable discussion. While enhanced connectivity and lower internet costs are appealing, several compelling reasons may prevent Starlink from operating in our country.
Before reading further, a disclaimer: this is a personal view, and none of it has been verified with the authorities or specialists. However, these are probable reasons for not granting Starlink a license in the Solomon Islands.